Saturday, October 29, 2011

CCNP TSHOOT - Ticket 10

The problem state that DSW1 and DSW2 are configured as HSRP routes and DSW1 should be active router but instead, currently DSW2 is active.

Let's check DSW1's HSRP configuration. 

DSW1#sh standby
Vlan10 - Group 10
  State is Standby
    4 state changes, last state change 00:02:07
  Virtual IP address is
  Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac0a
    Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac0a (v1 default)
  Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
    Next hello sent in 1.772 secs
  Preemption enabled
  Active router is, priority 100 (expires in 7.736 sec)
  Standby router is local
  Priority 90 (configured 150)
    Track object 1 state Down decrement 60
  IP redundancy name is "hsrp-Vl10-10" (default)

Yes, DSW1 is currently standby and not active router. Active router is which is DSW2.

Let's check more detail of DSW1's HSRP configuration in VLAN 10.

DSW1#sh run int vlan 10
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 191 bytes
interface Vlan10
 ip address
 ip helper-address
 standby 10 ip
 standby 10 priority 150
 standby 10 preempt
 standby 10 track 1 decrement 60
Pay attention to "standby 10 track 1 decrement 60" which means it need to check more on "Track 1".

Let's check more from running-config.

DSW1#sh run | begin track
track 1 ip route metric threshold
 threshold metric up 1 down 2
track 10 ip route metric threshold
 threshold metric up 111 down 112
Two track objects are configured; track1 and track 10. Tracking objects are tracking to ip reachable to ip which is the loopback IP of R4. 

Metric threshold means if it's reachable, default "UP" value is 254 and "DOWN" value is 255

So, current DSW1 track object is 1 and it's tracking route to which is unavailable. That's why, current DSW1's priority value will be (150 - 60 = 90) which is lower than the DSW2, which has default value 100.

It's mentioned in DSW1 's "sh standby" output.

  Priority 90 (configured 150)
    Track object 1 state Down decrement 60
  IP redundancy name is "hsrp-Vl10-10" (default)
To fix it, change standby 10 track 1 decrement 60  DSW1's interface vlan 10 as follow.

DSW1(config)#int vlan 10
DSW1(config-if)#no standby 10 track 1 decrement 60
DSW1(config-if)#standby 10 track 10 decrement 60
Check again in DSW1 whether it's active or not

DSW1#sh standby
Vlan10 - Group 10
  State is Active
    5 state changes, last state change 00:00:47
  Virtual IP address is
  Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac0a
    Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac0a (v1 default)
  Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
    Next hello sent in 0.116 secs
  Preemption enabled
  Active router is local
  Standby router is, priority 100 (expires in 8.184 sec)
  Priority 150 (configured 150)
    Track object 10 state Up decrement 60
  IP redundancy name is "hsrp-Vl10-10" (default)


  1. Just wanted to say 'Thank You' for your time & effort in creating these labs

    Much appreciated

  2. u can change prority to DSW 1 till 200

  3. really much appreciated.....

  4. really much appreciated , I would say one of the best tshoot labs simulation that I have seen and used..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi,

    Thanks for the labs. They are very useful. I read this excercise but it is not really clear how the track concept is working.

    You wrote that

    ´Metric threshold means if it's reachable, default "UP" value is 254 and "DOWN" value is 255´

    Allow me to extend the concept. Considering that we are using the defaul value for the tracked threshold, we have:

    255 is unreacheble route (DOWN threshold)
    254 is for reacheble route (UP treshold)

    Does not matter the value of the metric, becasue we are using default value.

    Go back to the lab.

    Two are the routes tracked:

    The is an unreacheble route. No one has any interface with such ip.

    The is a reacheble route. -> Unreacheble, so the DOWN threshold has automatically value 255. Now we should check the metric for this route on DSW1 and compare the value with the DOWN threshold but in this case we do not have the route in the routing table, so we do not have a metric value.
    In terms of tracked object this means metric=thershold=255 = state DOWN -> Decrement the priority of HSRP of 60. -> Is reacheable and in your lab this route has a metric of 156160 but we need to normalise this value 156160/2560= 61. So, in terms of tracked object this metric is egual to 61.
    Applying now the threshold for tracked object 10 we have

    metric up 111 down 112

    In our case the metric is 61, so below the value of the UP threshold (111) for this reason the tracked object will be

    up -> Running Priority+60 = 90+60=150.

    DSW1 will be active. (DSW2 has a priority of 100)

  7. Hi
    I have set up HSRP in GNS3 however find difficulty in understanding the track metric threshold scenario.

    I feel like I have been missing something. Please can paste the configuration for DSW2.

  8. Hi Anonymous. Really appreciate in putting more info about track values.
    Hi Harikrishna, DSW2 config is the same as original and nothing to do with it. Only thing to do in this ticket is just change the track value in DSW1.

  9. Hi,

    where I could download the GNS file ?


  10. Hi,
    All tickets can download from

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
